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A lifelong passion for aeroplanes together with a family connection with Lancaster Bombers and Rolls Royce has developed into a highly successful business.

Nick's grandfather, Bill Hancock, was a navigator in Lancaster Bombers during WWII, subsequently he went on to work for Rolls Royce and in the 1950's was an observer in the Avro-Vulcan prototype (VX770) which flew from the Rolls Royce Hucknall airfield in Nottinghamshire. He later worked on the jet engine programme at Rolls Royce Hucknall. 

Nick was brought up hearing stories from his grandfather of night-time bombing raids and flying a Vulcan Bomber on the edge of orbit. These stories, and the acquisition of a Spitfire propeller, kindled an enthusiasm that resulted in the creation of furniture from the integral parts of decommissioned planes.  By preserving some of these parts and upcycling them into bespoke pieces of furniture Nick is able to ensure that these pieces of history are treasured and enjoyed for years to come.

Final Flight Furniture is based in Nottinghamshire, England. We only buy genuine aircraft parts and then spend many hours deciding on how they can be incorporated into furniture and wall art etc. Then comes the hard work, blasting polishing and painting to achieve the finish we feel best showcases the part.

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